
  • The leading role of the IEEE in advancing global science and technology development is undeniable. Still, outside the circles of scientists and engineers, people are more or less blind about the IEEE activities. Interestingly, since the leadership of Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro and Dr. Agnes Irwanti in the IEEE Indonesia Section, the publication of IEEE’s scientific…

  • As a part of Synergy team of Telkom Group, sometimes we are requested to facilitate meetings between or among SOEs. This week we got involved in a meeting between the Vice CEO of BRI (Catur Budi Harto), IT Director of BRI (Arga Mahanana Nugraha), Group Business Development Director of Telkom (Honesti Basyir), and CEO of…

  • Agricultural transformation is a great technological and business opportunities with huge challenges and risks, requiring strategic-level collaboration or alliance in aggregating the capabilities, resources, while sharing the business risks that may occur. Scala, a Japanese digital enterprise aiming to enhance the prosperity of mankind through digital technology development, has requested since last year to be…

  • IMT-GT SPM (Strategic Planning Meeting) 2024 is currently carried out in Jakarta, 23–25 March 2024. Leveraging regional economy through digital transformation and ecosystem-based strategy is still the main theme of the discussion. Representing Telkom Indonesia, we put our focus on cross-border MSME products transaction and delivery, expecting to design a pilot with different treatment in…

  • It is not a regular occasion of any serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia. In our official note, the first serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia was Prof Peter Staecker in 2013 — he visited Bali for an IEEE Educational Program awareness while I was only days starting my service as the IEEE Indonesia Section……

  • Melengkapi expertise yang memanjang dari jaringan broadband, platform dan infrastuktur digital, kompleksitas dan ekosistem ekonomi, hingga strategi bisnis berbasis ekosistem, dan seterusnya, aku akhirnya terjebur ke pengembangan bisnis berbasis ekosistem sosioekonomis, termasuk UMKM, pertanian, dll. Untuk pertanian, tugas ini belum sampai satu bulan aku pegang, tapi telah membawaku menjumpai PMO Kopi Nusantara. Sebuah workshop diselenggarakan…

  • On Complexity

    Computer Science Doctorate Program of Binus University invited me to provide an Industrial Talk for their PhD-level students. I offer them a talk on the…

  • BBI Papua

    Part 1: Context Gerakan nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia (Gernas BBI) edisi Agustus 2022 dilaksanakan di Provinsi Papua, dengan campaign manager Kemkominfo. Seperti tahun 2021 lalu, Kemkominfo menggelar aktivitas pembinaan UMKM sebelum menyelenggarakan acara perayaan (a.k.a. harvesting). Peran Telkom — selain tentu saja menyediakan infrastruktur, platform, dan layanan digital berkualitas terbaik di dunia (xixixi) — adalah……

  • Kerajaan Ternate dan Tidore adalah bagian penting dari sejarah Indonesia. Dua kerajaan di dua pulau kecil di barat Pulau Halmahera ini memiliki kekuasaan di nyaris seluruh Indonesia Timur. Ternate menguasai hingga Mindanao, Sulawesi utara dan tenggara, Papua barat, Halmahera utara; sementara Tidore menguasai Halmahera selatan hingga Papua. Bersama Makian dan Moti, wilayah ini dikenal sebagai……

  • Pulau Messa

    Latepost: 06-10-2019 Mesa, Messa, atau Messah — pulau renik antara Pulau Flores dan Pulau Komodo yang dihuni suku Bajo. Pulau ini dihuni ±400 keluarga atau ±2000 penduduk. Suku Bajo memang secara tradisional dikenal sebagai manusia laut, jadi skala hidup mereka menyeberangi batas pulau; dan mereka juga kurang menyukai hidup di pulau besar bersama manusia daratan.……