
  • About Dreams

    After about 90 minutes sleeping tonight, I suddenly woke up, and decided to talk to Chat GPT about dream. Here are the copy of our interaction, with no modification or any kind of editing (except the heading sign to see the difference between my question and AI’s response) What is a dream, scientifically? Scientifically, a…

  • Inexplicable

    A short visit doday to Bunda Heart Centre in the central part of Jakarta to discuss some inexplicable discomfort in my internal circulation — a part of internal supply chain strategic operation. Playing with the electronic devices, I was reminded to my jokes on the complexity theory in my past lecture in Udayana University, when…

  • Menariknya mengkoleksi hampir 400 buku Pangeran Kecil dalam berbagai bahasa adalah bahwa kita jadi punya sekian ratus bahasa dalam satu rak buku yang kian mirip menara babel. Mengkatalogkannya pun memerlukan dua web: LEPETITPRINCE.ID dalam bentuk peta negara, dan PANGERANKECIL.COM dalam taksonomi rumpun bahasa. Di web kedua ini, bahasa disenaraikan secara luwes: mengikuti hasil riset berbagai……

  • Memang gak seru punya blog berusia lebih dari 2 windu: khawatir tema yang sama ditulis berulang. Tapi sesekali OK lah. Ini dari entry tahun 2002: Impermanence, menampilkan culikan kisah dari Calvin & Hobbes :). Twitter dinyatakan stagnan, padahal aplikasi ini masih jadi de facto utility for publicized opinion & information. Tapi jutaan user baru lebih memilih……

  • Das Rheingold

    Returning in the afternoon, I stretched myself, dead tired, on a hard couch, awaiting the long-desired hour of sleep. It did not come; but I fell into a kind of somnolent state, in which I suddenly felt as though I were sinking in swiftly flowing water. The rushing sound formed itself in my brain into…