• The leading role of the IEEE in advancing global science and technology development is undeniable. Still, outside the circles of scientists and engineers, people are more or less blind about the IEEE activities. Interestingly, since the leadership of Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro and Dr. Agnes Irwanti in the IEEE Indonesia Section, the publication of IEEE’s scientific…

  • Peran utama IEEE dalam memajukan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi global tidak dapat disangkal. Namun, di luar kalangan ilmuwan dan insinyur, peran IEEE ini belum banyak dipahami masyarakat. Asyiknya, sejak kepemimpinan Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro dan Dr. Agnes Irwanti di IEEE Indonesia Section, publikasi atas diskursus IEEE telah lebih banyak disebarluaskan ke masyarakat umum. Selama dua……

  • IEEE Briefing

    IEEE Briefing was led by the IEEE President of 2024, Dr Tom Coughlin, while he paid a visit to Jakarta this week, accompanied by IEEE R10 Director Prof. Lance Fung, IEEE R10 Director-Elect Prof. Takako Hashimoto, IEEE R10 Women-in-Engineering Committee Chair Dr Agnes Irwanti, IEEE Malaysia Section Chair Dr Bernard…

  • Prof Ford Lumban Gaol was the Vice Chair when I serves as the Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section 2013-2015. He & I also co-lead the IEEE Tensymp 2016 in Bali. Then he experienced a lot as a visiting lecture in Russia and Japan. But today, we celebrate his inauguration as a Professor of Computer…

  • As a part of the IEEE Indonesia Excom & Adcom coordinative meeting in Bali, we also visit Udayana University, to see the Advanced Research Laboratories, and also to carry out some sharing session to the academician and students. Surely, first we had to meet the famous Prof Linawati, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Udayana…

  • Hingga kini, masih sangat jarang ada kunjungan dari Presiden IEEE yang tengah menjabat ke Indonesia. Dalam catatan, Presiden IEEE pertama yang mengunjungi Indonesia adalah Prof Peter Staecker pada tahun 2013, waktu aku baru beberapa hari menjabat Ketua Umum (Chairman) IEEE Indonesia Section. Tahun ini, Presiden IEEE Prof Saiful Rahman mengunjungi Indonesia beberapa hari; sekaligus dalam……

  • It is not a regular occasion of any serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia. In our official note, the first serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia was Prof Peter Staecker in 2013 — he visited Bali for an IEEE Educational Program awareness while I was only days starting my service as the IEEE Indonesia Section……

  • Sekali-sekali menulis hal yang ringan. Waktu aku masih jadi Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section, sempat ada usulan dari anggota Advisory Board (yang dalam konteks Indonesia berarti mantan ketua IEEE Indonesia Section) tentang Israel. Saat itu, IEEE Indonesia Section tengah sangat gencar melakukan eksplorasi untuk menjadi host atas IEEE international conferences, baik yang skala region……

  • On Complexity

    Computer Science Doctorate Program of Binus University invited me to provide an Industrial Talk for their PhD-level students. I offer them a talk on the…

  • TEMS — or the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society — is an IEEE society with a mission to advance, enhance, and improve essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members. The IEEE TEMS Regional Leaders Subcommittee carried out its 1st meeting this year today, with a new team. This meeting was led…