November 2023

  • Inexplicable

    A short visit doday to Bunda Heart Centre in the central part of Jakarta to discuss some inexplicable discomfort in my internal circulation — a part of internal supply chain strategic operation. Playing with the electronic devices, I was reminded to my jokes on the complexity theory in my past lecture in Udayana University, when…

  • Prof Ford Lumban Gaol was the Vice Chair when I serves as the Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section 2013-2015. He & I also co-lead the IEEE Tensymp 2016 in Bali. Then he experienced a lot as a visiting lecture in Russia and Japan. But today, we celebrate his inauguration as a Professor of Computer…

  • As a part of the IEEE Indonesia Excom & Adcom coordinative meeting in Bali, we also visit Udayana University, to see the Advanced Research Laboratories, and also to carry out some sharing session to the academician and students. Surely, first we had to meet the famous Prof Linawati, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Udayana…

  • Our solidarity for Palestine is unquestionable. Our commitment for freedom, sovereignty, peace, and justice for Palestinian started decades ago after learning the apparent injustice that we naively expected to fade, aligned with the advancement of science, information, global partnership, etc etc. We were obviously wrong: the colonialism, injustice, inhumanity, crimes agains humanity etc are still…

  • Ravenclaw

    November — one of the most inspiring months, with its dark season in most populated part of the earth. Darkness, reducing the ability to see with our eyes, but opening our heart wider to see the wisdom of our life, of the universe. And at the first week of November, we celebrate Fountain Pen Day.…