

IMT-GT eCommerce Tech Planning

When I was in Kupang (May 25th), I was invited by the Coordinative Ministry of Economy (Kemko-Ekon) and Ministry of ICT to discuss the implementation of IMT-GT e-Commerce plan. I presented some options we might choose using PADI UMKM as a national hub connected to the IMT-GT Mall. But then the Government addressed us to … Continue reading “IMT-GT eCommerce Tech Planning”

IMT-GT Strategic Planning — SWG ICT

Virtual Meeting on IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) / Sub-Working Group on ICT was held today. The Standing Chairman of IMT-GT SWG on ICT is from Mme. Suhaila Yeop Johari (Communications Technology Division, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia). I attended the meeting representing Telkom Indonesia as the platform owner of PADI UMKM — the … Continue reading “IMT-GT Strategic Planning — SWG ICT”

Pelikan Souverän M1000

For the International Handwriting Day today I will display Pelikan M1000 as one of the best pens I have (considering, though, that almost all my pens are the best pens). This pen is the top member of the Pelikan Souverän family. This family consists of the M3xx, M4xx, M6xx, M8xx, and M10xx — with the […]

BBI for 2021

At this special BBI coordinative meeting, the Coordinative Minister of Maritime & Invesment reminded us that the program expansion to leverage the MSME & national product should be accelerated in 2021; and the programs would include the quality improvement for the MSME & their products. Some MSMEs must be leveraged to the class of artisans, … Continue reading “BBI for 2021”

BBI Q4/2020

BBI (Bangga Buatan Indonesia) is a coordinative & collaborative programs to improve the economy and commercialisation of national products with special emphasis on MSME products, led by the Government of Indonesia — in this case the Coordinative Minister of Maritime and Investment (Menkomarves). Telkom is actively involved in this program via its MSME Digital Ecosystem … Continue reading “BBI Q4/2020”

Fountain Pen Day

Happy Fountain Pen Day! Fountain Pen Day is celebrated on the first Friday of November. But what is so interesting with this classical instrument? The history of fountain pen must start with the long development of writing instruments, including quill and qalam. But the modern fountain pen we know today was first patented in 1827 … Continue reading “Fountain Pen Day”

Transformasi di Masa Krisis

Aku mem-WFH-kan diri di awal Maret tahun ini karena mendadak kena flu, baru bergabung dengan WFH resmi yang berlangsung panjang hingga menjelang Juli. Pun di hari-hari awal, sambil melihat yang terjadi di RRC dan Eropa, aku mulai mencatat prediksi-prediksi yang tidak optimis, termasuk bahwa (a) virus ini tidak akan pergi, dan kita yang harus menyesuaikan…

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Круглый Стол в ЮФУ

This weekend, Mr Ford asked me to provide a presentation in a forum organised by the SFedU. The title of the forum is «Круглый Стол : Развитие Компаний в Период COVID-19: Вызовы и Возможнпсти» — or more or less: Round Table: Business development in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities. SFedU, or Southern Federal University … Continue reading “Круглый Стол в ЮФУ”

Indonesian Computer Society Gathering

The IEEE Computer Society Indonesia Chapter has carried out a member gathering today. Apparently, during the COVID-19 crises, it is not very easy to organise such meeting, albeit an online one — so this gathering presented no less than six presenters; two of which are Prof Cecilia Meras, the Past President of the IEEE Computer … Continue reading “Indonesian Computer Society Gathering”

Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Montblanc

Rhapsody in Blue — a composition I used to wake myself up for years. As if understanding how hard it is to start a day, it starts with a slow and random clarinet melodies. But then it raises to an orchestra with dynamic harmonies to absorb the spirit with no stop to our soul. And […]