
  • Agricultural transformation is a great technological and business opportunities with huge challenges and risks, requiring strategic-level collaboration or alliance in aggregating the capabilities, resources, while sharing the business risks that may occur. Scala, a Japanese digital enterprise aiming to enhance the prosperity of mankind through digital technology development, has requested since last year to be…

  • It is not a regular occasion of any serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia. In our official note, the first serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia was Prof Peter Staecker in 2013 — he visited Bali for an IEEE Educational Program awareness while I was only days starting my service as the IEEE Indonesia Section……

  • On Complexity

    Computer Science Doctorate Program of Binus University invited me to provide an Industrial Talk for their PhD-level students. I offer them a talk on the…

  • In Nusa Dua area of Bali Island, the GoI carried out a business matching event for three days (22-24 March 2022) between Ministries, Govt Institutions, and Local Government on one side, and national industries and SME on the other side. This event also exhibited some national industry associations (organised by Ministry of Industry) and SME…

  • When I was in Kupang (May 25th), I was invited by the Coordinative Ministry of Economy (Kemko-Ekon) and Ministry of ICT to discuss the implementation of IMT-GT e-Commerce plan. I presented some options we might choose using PADI UMKM as a national hub connected to the IMT-GT Mall. But then the Government addressed us to…

  • Virtual Meeting on IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) / Sub-Working Group on ICT was held today. The Standing Chairman of IMT-GT SWG on ICT is from Mme. Suhaila Yeop Johari (Communications Technology Division, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia). I attended the meeting representing Telkom Indonesia as the platform owner of PADI UMKM — the…

  • This weekend, Mr Ford asked me to provide a presentation in a forum organised by the SFedU. The title of the forum is «Круглый Стол : Развитие Компаний в Период COVID-19: Вызовы и Возможнпсти» — or more or less: Round Table: Business development in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities. SFedU, or Southern Federal University…

  • Since 2016 I have a new role in Telkom Indonesia as the AVP (now Project Leader) of the Industry Synergy. The role of Synergy Department is simply developing the capabilities (mainly digital capabilities) and expanding opportunities of Telkom Group by maximising the collaboration with the industry. As a government policy at that time, the collaborations…

  • Tahun ini IEEE Indonesia Section berkesempatan menjadi tuan rumah bagi IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC), yaitu flag conference ketiga milik IEEE Region 10, setelah TENCON dan TENSYMP. HTC 2019 diselenggarakan di Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Aku hanya berperan sebagai advisor di konferensi ini, jadi tak banyak berperan selain di perencanaan awal. Di HTC 2017 di Bangladesh,……