IEEE Presidential Roundtable on Climate Change

It is not a regular occasion of any serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia. In our official note, the first serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia was Prof Peter Staecker in 2013 — he visited Bali for an IEEE Educational Program awareness while I was only days starting my service as the IEEE Indonesia Section Chair. This year, Prof Saiful Rahman, the current IEEE President, is visiting Indonesia for a couple days. The visit is related to the IEEE campaigns in climate change; so it is also the theme of his visit. He is visiting Indonesia accompanied by the current IEEE Indonesia Section Chair, Prof Gamantyo, and the IEEE Malaysia Chair-Elect, Bernard Lim.

As one of the programs within his visit, the IEEE Indonesia Section co-organise with TVRI, an on-air discussion titled the IEEE ASEAN Roundtable on Climate Change. The event was carried out today in TVRI, with the IEEE President Prof Saifur Rahman as the main speaker, and teens of other speakers from the industry, universities, research centres, and government agencies as participants in round table discussion form — including yours truly, representing the IEEE Indonesia Section Advisory Committee, and the IEEE TEMS Regional Leadership Subcommittee. The organiser is TVRI, led by Dr Agnes Irwanti, a member of its Supervisory Board; and Mr Iman Brotoseno, the CEO.

I explored the opportunity of using currently available or currently developed technology to reduce and overcome the impact of the climate change. Climate change is always one of the motivations behind many collaborative innovations in the development of technology and technology-based business.

Since I work in telecommunications industry, I started by giving an example in mobile industry. The use of cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access (CR/DSA) may optimise green technology by improving the efficiency and utilisation the spectrum by dynamic adaptation to changing network conditions and environmental factors. In urban areas with high network congestion, CR can switch to less crowded frequency bands, reducing power consumption and improving network performance; and it could also optimised to choose the most green-powered network infrastructure available. CR device can lower its power when communicating over shorter distances, conserving energy. CR also enables dynamic spectrum sharing among different technologies. For example, a cognitive radio network can share spectrum with existing cellular networks during peak traffic hours and switch to alternative bands during off-peak times. This optimises resource usage and reduces energy consumption in both networks. With the use of blockchain, spectrum may be shared among operators with easier accounting and cost-sharing.

In more applicative approach in the industry, the paradigm of of ecosystem-based business growth has motivated enterprises to share capabilities, resources, opportunities, so they can reduce the cost and risk, while also reduce the cost for the environment by many sharing methods used in business ecosystems, facilitated by massive digitalisation that enables process and capabilities to be modularised, reused, integrated, improved, and orchestrated among collaborative or event competitive businesses.

The use of technology like the AI and robotics play important roles in addressing climate change in various ways. Some examples:

  • The technology might be used for autonomous sensor-equipped robots, drones, and satellites to monitor and collect data on climate-related parameters such as temperature, humidity, carbon emissions, deforestation, and more. These technologies help in obtaining real-time and accurate data for climate analysis.
  • AI facilitates the analysis of huge amounts of climate data, helping researchers build more accurate climate models. These models are crucial for understanding climate change, its causes, and predicting future climate trends.
  • AI can optimize energy consumption in various sectors, including transportation, manufacturing, and buildings. Smart grids and energy management systems use AI to balance energy supply and demand, reduce wastage, and integrate renewable energy sources effectively.
  • AI-based integrated logistics management (4PL / 5PL) may orchestrate logistics services to share the logistics resources they have, with better supply chain model, supported by better demand and production prediction. It will also reduce the use of fuel and environmental cost to expand the transportation facilities.
  • AI can support agricultural practices, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving crop yields. Additionally, robots can assist in precision agriculture, reducing chemical usage and improving sustainability.

There are many more aspect of technology to be used to improve the environmental conditions, including the power management, traffic management, personalised education, etc. Other speakers also explored what we can do in the aspects of education, government policy, and others.

Even after the formal discussion, we still continue the discussion during the lunch session, after Friday-prayer session. I think it is also my first experience to accompany an IEEE President to a mosque to attend a Friday prayer session.

We closed the day with a more relaxing discussion during dinner at Plaza Senayan.

Posted in Climate Change, Ecosystem, IEEE, Mobile, Technology, Telkom | Comments Off on IEEE Presidential Roundtable on Climate Change

Batik Day

Batik Day a.k.a. Hari Batik Nasional is a national observance celebrated in Indonesia on October 2nd each year. The day is dedicated to celebrating the rich cultural heritage and artistry of batik, which is a traditional Indonesian fabric that is created using a wax-resistant dyeing technique. Batik has a long history in Indonesia and holds significant cultural and artistic importance.

On Batik Day, people across Indonesia, including government officials, students, and the general population, including yours truly, often wear batik clothing to celebrate the cultural significance of this traditional art form.

Batik Day was officially designated as a national day in 2009, recognising the importance of batik as an integral part of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. This celebration not only honours the craftsmanship and creativity of batik artisans but also fosters a sense of national pride and unity in Indonesia.

Question: Why do I collect batik designed with the stylisation of birds, instead of other animals?
Anwer: Ravenclaw

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Kopi Timor Leste

Kopi Timor, terkenal dengan kualitasnya yang luar biasa, memiliki sejarah yang kaya di Timor-Leste, yang juga dikenal sebagai Timor Timur. Budidaya kopi di Timor-Leste dimulai selama era kolonial Portugis pada abad ke-18. Kopi diperkenalkan ke pulau ini oleh Portugis dan segera menjadi tanaman bernilai tinggi. Namun, selama Perang Dunia II, Timor mengalami pergolakan, dengan Jepang menduduki pulau tersebut dan menghancurkan sebagian besar perkebunan kopi.

Setelah perang, produksi kopi dilanjutkan, dan pada tahun 1970-an, Timor-Leste meraih kemerdekaan dari Portugal. Namun, pergolakan politik terjadi ketika negara ini menghadapi perjuangan panjang untuk kebebasan. Di tengah latar belakang ini, produksi kopi menghadapi banyak tantangan, termasuk konflik, ketidakstabilan ekonomi, dan akses terbatas ke pasar internasional.

Pada awal tahun 2000-an, Timor-Leste kembali stabil, dan upaya dilakukan untuk menghidupkan kembali dan memperkuat industri kopi. Pemerintah, bersama dengan organisasi internasional dan LSM, memberikan dukungan kepada petani kecil, mempromosikan praktik berkelanjutan, meningkatkan infrastruktur, dan memfasilitasi akses ke pasar internasional.

Kopi Timor-Leste sebagian besar ditanam di daerah pegunungan negara ini, dengan memanfaatkan tanah vulkanik yang subur, ketinggian yang tinggi, dan iklim yang menguntungkan. Dua varietas utama yang dibudidayakan adalah Arabika dan Robusta, dengan Arabika menjadi yang paling dominan.

Profil rasa unik dari kopi Timor timbul dari kombinasi faktor-faktor ini: biji Arabika berkualitas tinggi, ditanam di bawah naungan hutan tropis, dan metode pengolahan tradisional. Petani sering menggunakan praktik organik, menghindari pupuk dan pestisida sintetis, sehingga menghasilkan kopi yang dipuji karena kelembutan, tubuh sedang, dan rasa ringan yang sedikit beraroma buah.

Industri kopi di Timor-Leste terutama didorong oleh petani kecil yang bekerja secara kolektif melalui koperasi. Koperasi ini memberikan platform bagi petani untuk mengumpulkan sumber daya, berbagi pengetahuan, dan secara kolektif memasarkan kopi mereka. Inisiatif perdagangan adil juga telah berperan dalam mendukung para petani dengan menjamin harga yang adil dan mempromosikan keberlanjutan.

Kopi Timor telah mendapatkan pengakuan global karena cita rasanya yang khas dan dampak sosialnya. Ia telah menjadi sumber kebanggaan bagi negara ini, melambangkan ketahanan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan pembangunan ekonomi. Saat ini, Timor-Leste terus berfokus pada meningkatkan kualitas dan keberlanjutan industri kopi, memungkinkan petani untuk meningkatkan penghidupan mereka dan berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan negara.

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Le Petit Prince #3 — Montblanc

As a personal joke, I call it an example of a cognitive dissonance, or specifically on the aspect of cognitions importance — the greater the perceived value of something, the greater the magnitude of the dissonance in the relation. The dissonance on the importance values result sometimes in unpredictable things. An example is the activity of collecting fountain pens (in the 21st century nonetheless). Another example is the cohesion to the books and other artefacts related to Le Petit Prince. That is the reason that I choose this very day to exhibit another, or two other, artefacts from both collections: Montblanc, Le Petit Prince Series of the 3rd Year, in burgundy.

I have also explored my other Montblanc pens collection related to Le Petit Prince:

Obviously, I skip MB The Meisterstück Le Petit Prince #3 on purpose — albeit an inapparent reason.

This Montblanc LPP Series #3 were launched in 2020, with burgundy colour, and with gold nibs (Au 585) carved with The Little Prince cleaning his planet from the sprouts of bad seeds. The Chapter 5 of Le Petit Prince book describes on the little prince’s planet, as on all planets, there were good plants and bad plants, and so of course there were good seeds from the good plants, and bad seeds from the bad plants. But seeds are invisible. They lie dormant hidden deep in the dark of the earth until one of them has the notion it would be a good idea to wake up. This little seed will first have a stretch, then grow slowly, ever so slowly, up towards the sunlight, until at last there it is, a sweet little innocuous twig of a plant. If it is the first shoot on a radish perhaps, or the early sprig of a rose, then it can be left to grow on as it wishes. But if this is a bad plant, you should pull it up at once, the moment you recognise it for what it is. “It’s just a question of self discipline,” the little prince explained later.

I have two size of this excellently designed pen: Le Grand (146 size, above) and the Classique (145 size, below). The Meisterstück 146 is larger and has a slightly thicker barrel compared to the Meisterstück 145. The 146 is often considered a full-sized pen, while the 145 is slightly smaller and more compact. Both have similar nib design, albeit with obviously different size, and consequently different detail. The 146 has an internal piston, while the 145 is equipped with a cartridge.

Having two fountain pens with different size and similar design makes it easier to compare the experience of using these quite standardised pen (in term of size). Since the Meisterstück 146 is larger, it tends to be slightly heavier than the Meisterstück 145. The weight difference is generally not substantial, but some individuals may have a preference for either a lighter or heavier pen. While both pens offer a smooth writing experience, some users find that the larger size of the Meisterstück 146 provides a more comfortable grip and balance. However, this can vary based on personal preference and hand size.

The the previous Le Petit Prince -themed pens, these pens were designed in collaboration with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Estate. Le Petit Prince, authored by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is a beloved and timeless literary work that has captivated readers worldwide. Montblanc’s collaboration with the Estate of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry allows them to pay homage to the author and his iconic characters while creating a special connection with literature enthusiasts and fans of Le Petit Prince.

Surely we are all curious that Montblanc released three different pen designs related to Le Petit Prince in three consecutive years. Or four, if the pen released in 2017 to commemorate Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is also counted. But releasing the pens in different colours each year has successfully created a sense of exclusivity and limited edition allure. It can also incentivise collectors to acquire all three pens (at least), appealing to the desire to complete a set or collection. This approach allows Montblanc to tap into the passion and enthusiasm of collectors who seek to possess the entire series. Each new colour or design release also keeps the story and its themes fresh in the minds of fans, fostering a continued connection with the narrative. And this is why I started it with a mention of cognitive dissonance.

Posted in burgundy, f-nib, Fountain Pen, germany, m-nib, montblanc, ok | Comments Off on Le Petit Prince #3 — Montblanc

Waterman Edson

The Waterman Edson Sapphire is supposed to be a luxurious and highly esteemed writing instrument with a stunning design that captivates from the first glance. It features a deep blue sapphire-coloured lacquer barrel with lustrous silver accents, giving it a refined and sophisticated appearance. The pen’s streamlined shape, sleek clip, and intricate detailing demonstrate the meticulous attention to design that Waterman is renowned for. The overall aesthetic of the pen conveys a sense of prestige and luxury.

The Au750 (18k gold) nib of the Edson Sapphire fountain pen provides a remarkable writing experience. It glides effortlessly across the paper, delivering smooth and consistent lines — at least when it was new. The nib’s fine craftsmanship ensures optimal ink flow, allowing for a controlled and precise writing experience. While the pen may come at a higher price point, its exceptional quality, attention to detail, and apparently distinctive design make it a coveted choice for pen enthusiasts. Edson uses a cartridge-converter filling system.

The story of Waterman pens started in 1884, when Lewis Edson Waterman — an insurance agent from New York City — experienced a significant issue with a fountain pen during a business deal. Frustrated by the pen’s unreliability and leaking, he sought to improve the design and functionality of fountain pens. Waterman developed his own fountain pen prototype; and he received a patent for his first practical fountain pen, which featured a capillary feed system and an ink chamber with a regulated flow.

This innovation eliminated the issues of leakage and inconsistent ink flow that plagued earlier fountain pen designs. Waterman’s fountain pen design gained popularity and recognition for its reliability and smooth writing experience. In 1888, he established the Waterman Pen Company in New York City. The company quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality writing instruments.

In the early 20th century, Waterman expanded its operations globally, establishing subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities in Europe and Canada. The company’s pens became popular worldwide. As the 20th century wore on, Waterman’s conservatism allowed its younger and more innovative competitors to gain market share — Parker, Sheaffer, and Wahl-Eversharp in particular. By the later 1920s, Waterman was attempting to catch up; it continued to struggle through and beyond World War II before finally shutting down in 1954. Waterman’s French subsidiary, Waterman-JIF (Jules-Isidore Fagard) later Waterman S.A., continued to prosper and eventually absorbed what remained of the American company and its British arm. Today, Waterman is a French brand owned by the Newell Brands group.

Posted in blue, Fountain Pen, france, m-nib, ok, waterman | Comments Off on Waterman Edson

Le Petit Prince #4 — Montblanc

Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first publication of The Little Prince. On April 6, 1943, the first edition of the book was published in the United States, featuring illustrations created by the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book tells the story of a young prince who travels from one planet to another, encountering various characters and learning profound life lessons along the way.

The Little Prince was met with immediate critical acclaim and gained a dedicated readership. Despite being initially published in wartime, it managed to capture the hearts of readers around the world with its enchanting storytelling and philosophical themes. It is important to note that the first publication of The Little Prince was in English, not in its original French language. The French edition followed later, published posthumously in 1946.

Since its publication, “The Little Prince” has become one of the most translated and best-selling books in the world, captivating readers of all ages with its poignant exploration of human nature, love, friendship, and the beauty of the imagination. It continues to be celebrated as a literary masterpiece and a cherished work of art.

For the celebration, I display here a Montblanc Le Petit Prince series that I haven’t previously displayed. It is a special edition! The nib, made from Au750 (18K gold), is delicately engraved with the image of a rose. The rose holds significant symbolism in The Little Prince as it represents the bond between the Prince and his beloved rose. In the story, the rose is a delicate and special flower that teaches the Prince important lessons about love, responsibility, and the complexities of relationships. The rose engraving on the nib of this pen captures this iconic symbol, adding a touch of elegance and meaning to the writing instrument.

Posted in burgundy, Fountain Pen, germany, lepetitprince, m-nib, montblanc, ok | Comments Off on Le Petit Prince #4 — Montblanc

Perikemanusiaan dan Perikeadilan

Sekali-sekali menulis hal yang ringan.

Waktu aku masih jadi Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section, sempat ada usulan dari anggota Advisory Board (yang dalam konteks Indonesia berarti mantan ketua IEEE Indonesia Section) tentang Israel. Saat itu, IEEE Indonesia Section tengah sangat gencar melakukan eksplorasi untuk menjadi host atas IEEE international conferences, baik yang skala region (Region 10 Asia Pacific) maupun kemudian level dunia.

Hal yang sering jadi issue adalah soal imigrasi. Banyak peserta konferensi dari negara Asia mengalami kesulitan mengurus visa masuk Indonesia, seperti dari negara Iran dan Pakistan. Beberapa anggota komite sempat menyebut bahwa filtering untuk beberapa negara memang lebih ketat. Salah satu alasannya adalah kekhawatiran Indonesia dijadikan jembatan untuk mencari jalan untuk migrasi ke Australia. Namun warganegara Pakistan yang sudah di Australia pun masih lebih sulit masuk ke Indonesia. Kadang ketua konferensi, atau bahkan ketua IEEE Indonesia Section, harus menulis surat jaminan pribadi ke Kedutaan dan Kantor Imigrasi.

Soalan lain adalah warga dari entitas ilegal zionis yang menduduki Palestina (yang demi kesederhanaan teks akan kita sebut sebagai Israel tanpa tanda petik). Kebijakan yang bijak dari Pemerintah Indonesia untuk selalu menolak adanya hubungan diplomatik antara Indonesia dan Israel dianggap jadi penghambat. Kami Excom IEEE Indonesia Section diminta mencari cara untuk memungkinkan dipermudahnya pemegang paspor Israel untuk memasuki Indonesia.

Secara pragmatis, waktu itu aku sampaikan bahwa banyak pemegang paspor Israel sebenarnya memiliki kewarganegaraan ganda, merangkap jadi warga negara Eropa, AS, Kanada, bahkan Singapura. Andaipun mereka hanya punya paspor Israel saja, mereka sangat dipermudah membuat paspor di negara lain. Jadi tidak ada perlunya kita mendorong pemerintah Indonesia memperlunak sikap pada pemegang paspor Israel. Kita tetap menerima mereka dengan tangan dan hati terbuka.

Salah satu anggota senior di Advisory Board kemudian menyampaikan bahwa persoalannya bukan bisa lewat jalan samping, tetapi secara politis Indonesia dianggap tidak ramah pada Israel, dan posisi ini menyulitkan Indonesia mengajukan diri sebagai tuan rumah berbagai konferensi internasional.

Atas statement itu, aku saat itu memberikan jawaban bahwa jika persyaratan tertulis atau tak tertulis untuk jadi host adalah harus memberikan rekomendasi atau saran kepada pemerintah Indonesia untuk memperlunak sikap kepada Israel, aku memilih tidak akan mengajukan IEEE Indonesia Section sebagai host — setidaknya selama aku jadi ketua.

Aku rasa, sikap yang sudah diambil Bapak Bangsa kita, untuk melihat perspektif geopolitis global secara lebih cerdas dan mengedepankan perikemanusiaan dan perikeadilan, masih relevan hingga kini, masih jadi kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia yang patut didukung, dan sudah menjadi bagian dari perspektif pribadi dalam negosiasi global.

Selamat Ramadan!

Posted in FIFA, IEEE, Indonesia, Israel, Palestina, World | Comments Off on Perikemanusiaan dan Perikeadilan

PMO Kopi Nusantara

Melengkapi expertise yang memanjang dari jaringan broadband, platform dan infrastuktur digital, kompleksitas dan ekosistem ekonomi, hingga strategi bisnis berbasis ekosistem, dan seterusnya, aku akhirnya terjebur ke pengembangan bisnis berbasis ekosistem sosioekonomis, termasuk UMKM, pertanian, dll.

Untuk pertanian, tugas ini belum sampai satu bulan aku pegang, tapi telah membawaku menjumpai PMO Kopi Nusantara. Sebuah workshop diselenggarakan di Rancabali, di tengah perkebunan teh milik PTPN VIII, di tepi Situ Patengang. Cuaca sejuk menarik, dan menggoda untuk mengawali dengan segelas kopi lokal dari Bandung Selatan.

PMO Kopi Nusantara dibentuk Kementerian BUMN di awal 2022, beranggotakan BUMN, industri, asosiasi, dan lembaga penelitian berkait pengembangan agriculture kopi nasional. Selain berisi pembinaan atas petani kopi, PMO juga menjalin sinergi antara industri dan petani, serta memperbaiki rantai pasok kopi nasional. Telkom berperan dalam PMO ini melalui pemanfaatan platform Agree. Piloting PMO diselenggarakan di empat provinsi, yaitu Lampung, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, dan Sumatera Utara.

Industri kopi merupakan industri yang sangat penting bagi Indonesia, baik dari segi ekonomi maupun budaya. Indonesia dikenal sebagai produsen kopi terbesar keempat di dunia, dengan produksi kopi mencapai sekitar 650 kiloton per tahun. Kontribusi industri kopi terhadap perekonomian Indonesia mencapai ±1.25% total PDB.

Kopi juga merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia. Ekspor kopi Indonesia mencapai ±400 kiloton per tahun, dengan nilai ±US$ 1.1 miliar.

Kopi memiliki nilai penting bagi Indonesia dari segi ekonomi maupun budaya. Pengembangannya harus dilaksanakan secara sinergistik dengan memanfaatkan strategi berbasis ekosistem yang memberikan value maksimal, terutama untuk para petani kopi.

Posted in Agree, BUMN, Economy, Export, Indonesia, PMO, Telkom | Comments Off on PMO Kopi Nusantara

Meisterstück 149 Curved Nib

Happy handwriting day. Alas, I spent the last 365 days without writing anything here. But today I’d like to share another special pen: another Meisterstück Calligraphy 149 pen from Montblanc, but now with a specially-designed curved nib. Its hand-crafted nib is not a flex nib, but an innovative curved nib allowing the user to draw a variety of writing styles and line widths, depending on the angle and the orientation at which the pen is held.

Using this pen, we can draw wide horizontal lines, thin vertical lines, and even fine lines. For the last style, we need to turn the nib upside down.

The nib is unlike any bent or fude nib, but I was tempted to use it to write some kanji and katakana character, and I found the result is better than many other pen I previously have. I would not display the result here, since I’m not a real master in writing kanji character.

Posted in black, calligraphy, curved-nib, Fountain Pen, germany, montblanc, ok | Comments Off on Meisterstück 149 Curved Nib

Kopi, Serangan Jantung, Stroke

Sebenarnya, telah cukup banyak penelitian yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan efek konsumsi kopi dan kafein terhadap risiko serangan jantung dan stroke. Hasil dari berbagai penelitian itu cukup bervariasi: ada penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi atau kafein yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular, sementara penelitian lain menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan, atau bahkan terdapat efek positif bagi kesehatan.

Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asupan kafein yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah dan denyut jantung, yang dapat berkontribusi pada peningkatan risiko serangan jantung dan stroke. Namun, penelitian lain telah menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi tingkat menengah (yaitu sekitar 3-4 cangkir per hari) dapat memberikan efek perlindungan terhadap penyakit jantung dan stroke, yang mungkin diakibatnya adanya antioksidan dan senyawa anti peradangan dalam kopi.

Secara umum, meskipun bukti tidak sepenuhnya jelas, konsumsi kopi skala menengah saja dianggap aman untuk kebanyakan orang, dan bahkan dapat memiliki beberapa manfaat kesehatan. Namun, mereka yang memiliki gejala gangguan jantung atau tekanan darah tinggi harus sangat berhati-hati dengan asupan kafein mereka.

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